Rebuilt the Interactive Fiction Player in React + Redux .
[Update 25/September/2019]
Refactored everything to Functional Components and made Hook based. Have added Jest Testing, and optimised with lighthouse.

[Update 16/March/2019]
Crossed my mind that the game engine might be more interesting if it could add some random elements. Maybe take it in a direction where it could run games similar to those from the series of Fighting Fantasy adventure books . I’m not sure if it will but I have added a dice roll to the game engine and also dealt with 10 months of technical debt so I’ve bumped up to the latest react version, migrated from CSS to styled-components and moved from JavaScript to TypeScript.
I decided to rebuild the Interactive Fiction Player using React and Redux. It still uses the same data structure so the same games can be played in the Angular version.
Previous post about Version 1 which was built with Angular / Typescript