Squirrel or Chicken – ReactJS & Clarifai

Ever wondered if you look more like a Chicken or are you a little more Squirrely? Can’t say I had until I came across Clarifai whilst thinking about a new ReactJS project.

Turns out it was incredibly easy to build an App to do this. Clarifai has a super simple dashboard where you can train it to identify almost anything. In fact I just had to show it three pictures of Chickens and three of Squirrels and it was pretty much there. I grabbed my free API which gives me a limited number of requests, created a single page React app, added some Progressive Web powers so I can run it App like on my phone and I was there.

I’m sorry this isn’t public as I can’t afford the unlimited request licence but here are the results.

Pretty definitively it knows that’s a Squirrel.

And clearly it knows that’s a Chicken…. but what happens if you give it a bigger challenge , say a ferret!

Seems about right to me. And of course the inevitable and something I’ve been trying out on any of my friends who are curious.

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